Tnpsc Group 4 Zoology - Online Test 8

  1.  Origin of species book was written by
    1.  Charles Kristober Kanagam
    2.  Charles John
    3.  Charles Darwin
    4.  Charles Donbosco

  2.  Charles Darwin sailed the ship
    1.  H.A.S Beagle
    2.  H.B.S Beagle
    3.  H.S.S Beagle
    4.  H.M.S. Beagle

  3.  Organisms differ in character is
    1.  Bio diversity
    2.  Biology
    3.  Zoology
    4.  Botany

  4.  Micro-organism classified
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Unicellular
    3.  Multi cellular
    4.  Unicellular,  Multi cellular

  5.  Study of Micro-organism is called
    1.  Botany
    2.  Zoology
    3.  Biology
    4.  Microbiology

  6.  Bacterium, Virus, Fungus, alga, protozoan are called
    1.  Zoology
    2.  Micro organism
    3.  Macro Organism
    4.  Botany

  7.  Bacterium and Protozoan are ____ Micro organism
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Ordinary
    3.  Uni cellular
    4.  Multi cellular

  8.  Most of Fungi and Algae are _____ Micro organism
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Ordinary
    3.  Uni cellular
    4.  Multi cellular

  9.  Organism can be only seen in Microscope is called
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Organism
    3.  Micro-organisms
    4.  Macro-organisms

  10.  Origin of Species was published year
    1.  1895
    2.  1985
    3.  1589
    4.  1859

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