Tnpsc Group 4 Botany Online test 13

  1.  Plastids available in 
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Plant + Animal Cell
    3.  Plant Cell
    4.  Animal Cell 

  2.  _____ Layer Shape in cell 
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Outer + Inner Layer
    3.  Inner Layer
    4.  Outer Layer 

  3.  Cell Wall Function are _____ and ____
    1.  Protect the inner organelles, Shape of the Cell 
    2.  Protect the inner organelles, Respiration 
    3.  Shape of the Cell, Respiration
    4.  Respiration, Protein Synthesis

  4.  Plastids Contain 
    1.  Vacuoles in small size
    2.  Centrosome 
    3.  Protein synthesis
    4.  Pigment

  5.  Chloroplast ______ Pigment
    1.  None of the these
    2.  Chlorophyll + Carotene Xanthophyll
    3.  Carotene Xanthophyll
    4.  Chlorophyll

  6.  Chromoplast _____ Pigment
    1.  Chlorophyll
    2.  Carotene Xanthophyll
    3.  Chlorophyll + Carotene Xanthophyll
    4.  None of the above

  7.  Leucoplast ____ Pigment
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Chlorophyll
    3.  No
    4.  Carotene Xanthophyll

  8.  Plastids in pigments in classified in 
    1.  Five
    2.  Four
    3.  Two
    4.  Three

  9.   Cell Wall is made up of _____
    1.  Vitamins
    2.  Minerals
    3.  Cellulose
    4.  Protein

  10.  Vacuoles in Plant cell in size compare the Animal cell 
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Medium
    3.  Smaller 
    4.  Larger

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